
The analysis is a CLI to import, export or filter from all kind of resources.

Importing the Project

Don’t import the whole codecharta project to IntelliJ when working on the analysis. Simply import the analysis folder for that. IntelliJ might not able to identify it as a Gradle project otherwise. A simple way to only import the analysis is to clone the whole repository and then only open the analysis subdirectory as a project in IntelliJ.

Architecture, Design and Technology



  • Retrieves metrics from external sources, such as SonarQube and creates a cc.json.


  • Consumes a cc.json and creates another format, such as CSV


  • Consumes a cc.json and creates another cc.json. A common use case is merging two cc.jsons


  • Kotlin
  • Gradle
  • PicoCli
  • JUnit
  • Assertj
  • MockK
  • Gson
  • Sonar-Plugins to create our own parsers




  • gradlew.bat build or ./gradlew build
  • Navigate to build/distributions and unzip the zip-folder (or use the gradle task installDist)
  • Navigate to the build/distributions/codecharta-analysis-VERSION/bin and execute the ccsh


  • Run gradlew.bat test or ./gradlew test
  • Run gradlew.bat integrationTest or ./gradlew integrationTest

The integration tests might fail on windows, because of a missing or unknown sh command. To make it work, add the path to the Git sh.exe (which is normally placed here C:\<path-to-git>\Git\bin) to your PATH variable.

If you want to run the JUnit tests with the IntelliJ-Runner, make sure to go to File -> Settings ->Build,Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle and select Run test using: IntelliJ IDEA


  • gradlew.bat ktlintApplyToIdea or ./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea (tested in IntelliJ)

Intellij Gradle Integration for Building and Testing

Multiple gradle tasks can be directly executed in the IntelliJ interface, this is especially useful when trying to build and test the project. To do that open the gradle menu on the right side, and open the gradle tasks. Under there you can find multiple useful tasks:

  • clean: Deletes previous builds.
  • build: Executes a formatting check, all unit tests and builds the project.
  • installDist: Unpacks the zip file generated from the build, so that you get an executable file for manual testing. Inside the unpacked folder, you will find a bin director containing an executable ccsh file.
  • integrationTest: Executes the integration tests specified in

There are several more tasks defined, this is just an overview of the most commonly used tasks.
