CodeCharta also comes as a full Docker environment, where all supported tools come pre-installed. To start all containers, you can type docker compose pull && docker compose up --detach while you’re in the same directory as our docker-compose.yml

The Container Landscape

Container-Name Description How to use
sonar Hosts an instance of SonarQube localhost:9000 in the browser, follow the steps for Linux
codecharta-visualization Runs the visualisation part o CodeChara localhost:9001, load files from your hard-drive
codecharta-analysis Contains all tools the ccsh can import Connect via terminal docker exec -it codecharta-analysis bash

To see the actual names of the containers on your system, run docker ps

All containers share a volume for the quick transfer of files. You can find it under /mnt/data in each container. Please note that you will need to copy finished cc.json files to your hard-drive to open them in Visualization.


See also SonarQube Docs

Open localhost:9000 in your browser and log in with

  • login: admin
  • password: admin

Simply follow the steps for a manual, local project under Linux. You can also check our tutorial for SonarQube The sonar-scanner is already pre-installed in our analysis container.


See also CodeCharta Visualization

Open localhost:9001 in your browser and open any file you want from your hard drive. To open files you have created in the analysis container, copy them over using docker cp


See also CodeCharta Analysis

Attention: The direct execution of metric-gardener has been temporarily disabled. It is not included.

Almost all tools the ccsh can import data from are included in the container, so you can get started immediately. Installed are:

  • CodeCharta Shell ccsh
  • Git git
  • Tokei tokei
  • CodeMaat java -jar /opt/codemaat/codemaat.jar
  • MetricGardener metric-gardener
  • SonarScanner sonar-scanner

Once you have your .cc.json file ready, you can copy it to your machine. This is how the command could look like if I want to copy a file from the container to my current working directory:

docker cp codecharta-analysis:/root/

To check the name of the container, you can simply type docker ps. To analyze your code you can follow one of our quick-start guides or check out the in-depth documentation for a certain importer.
