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Generic upgrade procedure

  • Frontend and backend shall always be started with the same version number.

  • The Docker Compose docker-compose-prod-mysql.yml and docker-compose-prod-postgres.yml in the GitHub repository always use the most recent released version of SecObserve.

  • The database structure will automatically be updated to the reflect the latest changes, when the backend container gets started. Always make a backup of your database before upgrading, in case something should go wrong.

  • There will be specific upgrade instructions if necessary, e.g. when there are new configuration parameters.

Release 1.26.0

Breaking changes

  • The attribute unknown_license in License Components and License Policies has been renamed to non_spdx_license. This was necessary to avoid confusion with the License Policy evaluation result Unknown, when a license is not included in the License Policy.
  • Additionally the attributes name, version, name_version, dependencies, purl, purl_type and cpe in License Components have been renamed to component_name, component_version, component_name_version, component_dependencies, component_purl, component_purl_type and component_cpe respectively. This brings it more in line with the component information in Observations.

Noteable change

  • The parser does not need to specified anymore when importing observations from files via the API or the UI. The parser is detected automatically by the content of the imported file. If the parser is still in the attributes of the API call, it will be ignored.

Release 1.22.0

Breaking changes

  • Due to a library change, the OCSF (Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework) parser now only supports reports from Prowler 4.5.0 and above.

Release 1.21.0

Breaking changes

  • There was a typo in severities, where there was a missing "n" in "Unknown". This has been fixed in the code as well as in the data. If you use the severity "Unknown" in API calls, you need to change it from "Unkown" to "Unknown".

Release 1.18.0

Breaking changes

  • The Prowler parser has been renamed to Prowler 3, because it supports only Prowler up to version 3. For Prowler version 4 and above use the OCSF (Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework) parser.
  • Component dependencies are now shown as a diagram. To do this, the format of the dependencies in the database had to be changed. The migration to the new format is not completely lossless and might loose some information. With the next import of observations, the dependencies will be complete again.

Release 1.5.0

Breaking changes

  • The tag of the docker image is not part of the identity hash anymore, to allow updates of the docker image within a vulnerability check without creating a new observation.

Release 1.3.0

Breaking changes

  • The ZAP project has had a rebranding as a result of the move to the Software Security Project. To reflect this, the name of the parser has been changed from OWASP ZAP to ZAP. The GitLab template and GitLab action for ZAP have been renamed as well. These changes are not backwards compatible, so you need to update your configuration files and pipelines.

Release 1.1.0

Breaking changes

Release 1.0.0

Breaking changes

  • SecObserve now supports different OpenID Connect providers for authentication and the Microsoft specific dependencies have been removed. Thus the AAD_ configuration parameters are not valid anymore and have been replaced with OIDC_ parameters, see Configuration and OpenID Connect authentication for details.

Release 0.9.9

Breaking changes

  • The value of the configuration parameter MYSQL_AZURE has been changed from true to flexible or single, depending on the type of Azure Database for MySQL. See Configuration for details.

Release 0.9.1

Breaking changes

  • The SSLyze parser has been replaced by the CryptoLyzer parser due to licensing reasons. Even though the SSLyze parser may still be seen in the list of parsers, you cannot use it for imports anymore. The CryptoLyter parser generates the same kind of results, adding information about signature algorithms.

  • The project name secobserve_prod has been set in docker-compose-prod-mysql.yml and docker-compose-prod-postgres.yml. This was necessary to assign defined network names, but it changes the name of the database volume. You need to dump the database content to a file before the upgrade and restore it after the upgrade.