Data model
Vulnerability Management
Product_Group |o--o{ Product : has
Product ||--o{ Observation : has
Product ||--o{ Branch_Version : has
Product ||--o{ Service : has
Product ||--o{ Vulnerability_Check : has
Product ||--o{ Product_Rule : has
Product ||--o{ API_Configuration : has
Product ||--o{ Product_Member : has
Product ||--o{ Product_Authorization_Group_Member : has
Parser ||--o{ Observation: discovered_by
Observation }o--o| Branch_Version: found_in
Observation ||--|{ Observation_Log : has
Observation ||--|{ Reference : has
Observation ||--|{ Evidence : has
Product Group
A Product Group
is a collection of products. It is used to group products that belong together, e.g. because they are part of the same project. In the database, the product groups are stored in the table Product
with the flag is_product_group
set to true
A Product
is the representation of the system that is checked for vulnerabilities.
An Observation
is something that has been discovered by a vulnerability scanner. Not every observation is actually a vulnerability. An assessment can show it is e.g. a false positive or not applicable in the current context.
Every Observation
belongs to exactly one product.
Branch / Version
Software development often uses branches in the source code repository and software is often available in multiple versions. Vulnerability scanners can run for different branches / versions of a product and observations can be viewed and managed by branch / version. See more in branches and Versions.
A Service
is a self-contained piece of functionality of a product. Can be something like a microservice or backend
or frontend
Vulnerability Check
An import for one product, one branch / version and one file name resp. one API configuration is a so-called vulnerability check. See more in Import algorithm.
SecObserve can parse a variety of data formats, written by vulnerability scanners. Besides file-based parsers, SecObserve implements API-based parsers as well, which get data directly from a system via REST calls. See more about vulnerability scanners and parsers on Supported scanners.
Observation Log
Every change of the severity or the status of an observation is recorded in the Observation Log
are links to further information about the observation. They are imported with the observation.
are extracts from the scan reports showing the basis on which the observation was created.
Product Rule / General Rule
Rules can change the severity or the status of an observation can be changed during the import. An example would be to set a risk acceptance automatically for observations that shall not be fixed. General Rules
will be applied for all products, while Product Rules
are only valid for one product. See more about rules on Rule engine.
API Configuration
Parsers who get data from vulnerability scanners via a REST API need a configuration how to access the API (URL, API key, ...). The API Configuration
is set per product.
Product Member
Product Members
define which users have access to a product. Depending on the role of a user for a product, they have more or less functionality available, see more on Users and permissions.
Product Authorization Group Member
Product Authorization Group Members
define which authorization groups have access to a product. Depending on the role, the users of the authorization group have more or less functionality available, see more on Users and permissions.
License Management
Product ||--o{ Branch_Version : has
Product ||--o{ License_Component : has
Branch_Version }o--o| License_Policy : references
Product }o--o| License_Policy : references
Product_Group }o--o| License_Policy : references
License_Component }o--o| License : references
License_Component ||--|{ License_Component_Evidence : has
License_Policy }o--o| License_Policy : parent
License_Policy ||--o{ License_Policy_Item : has
License_Policy ||--o{ License_Policy_Member : has
License_Policy ||--o{ License_Policy_Authorization_Group_Member : has
License_Group }o--o{ License : references
License_Group ||--o{ License_Group_Member : has
License_Group ||--o{ License_Group_Authorization_Group_Member : has
License_Policy_Item }o--o| License : references
License_Policy_Item }o--o| License_Group : references
The Linux Foundation gathers a list of commonly found licenses and exceptions used for open source and other collaborative software. The list is called SPDX License List and is imported daily into SecObserve.
License Component
A License Component
is a library or package used in a product that is licensed under a specific license and has an evaluation of the license according to a license policy. Depending on the license information in the scan report, there are 3 different types of licenses:
- a license with a known SPDX identifier
- a license expression, if the license expression in the scan report is valid according to the SPDX specification and consists only of known SPDX identifiers
- a non-spdx license string in all other cases
License Component Evidence
License Component Evidences
are extracts from the scan reports showing the basis on which the license component was created.
License Policy
A License Policy
defines the rules for the usage of licenses in a product. It can define which licenses are allowed, which are forbidden, and which need a review.
A License Policy
can have another license policy as a Parent
. If a license policy has a parent, the rules of the parent are also valid for the child policy, but existing rules of the parent can be overriden and new rules can be added.
License Policy Item
A License Policy Item
is a single rule in a license policy. It can be a rule for a specific license, a rule for a license group or a rule for a non-spdx license string, e.g. a license that is not in the SPDX list or a license expression.
License Policy Member
License Policy Members
define which users have access to a license policy, either read-only or as a manager.
License Policy Authorization Group Member
License Policy Authorization Group Members
define which authorization groups have access to a license policy, either read-only or as a manager.
License Group
A License Group
is a collection of licenses with similar license conditions. There is a predefined list of license groups, taken from the classification of the Blue Oak Council.
License Group Member
License Group Members
define which users have access to a license group, either read-only or as a manager.
License Group Authorization Group Member
License Group Authorization Group Members
define which authorization groups have access to a license group, either read-only or as a manager.