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About SecObserve

SecObserve in a nutshell

SecObserve is an open source vulnerability and license management system for software development teams and cloud environments. It supports a variety of open source vulnerability scanners and integrates easily into CI/CD pipelines.



The aim of SecObserve is to make vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management as easy as possible for software development projects using open source tools. It consists of 2 major components:

  • Vulnerability and license management system SecObserve: SecObserve provides the development team with an overview of the results of all vulnerability and license scans for their project, which can be easily filtered and sorted. In the detailed view, the results are displayed uniformly with a wealth of information, regardless of which vulnerability scanner generated them.

    With the help of automatically executed rules and manual assessments, the vulnerability results can be efficiently evaluated to eliminate irrelevant results and accept risks. This allows the development team to concentrate on fixing the relevant vulnerabilities.

  • GitLab CI templates and GitHub actions: Integrating vulnerability scanners into a CI/CD pipeline can be tedious. Each tool has to be installed differently and is called with different parameters. To avoid having to solve this task all over again, there are repositories with GitLab CI Templates and GitHub Actions. These make the process of integrating vulnerability scanners very simple by providing uniform methods for launching the tools and uniform parameters. The tools are regularly updated in the repositories so that the latest features and bug fixes are always available.

    All actions and templates run the scanner, upload the results into SecObserve and make the results of the scans available for download as artefacts in JSON format.

    The sources of the GitHub actions and GitLab CI templates can be found in

How it works


A sequence diagram explains the basic procedure how to work with SecObserve:

    actor Developer
    Developer ->> Repository: Check in source
    activate Repository
    Repository ->> Pipeline: Start pipeline
    deactivate Repository
    activate Pipeline
    Pipeline ->> Pipeline: Run scanners
    Pipeline ->> SecObserve: Upload results
    activate SecObserve
    SecObserve ->> SecObserve: Apply rules
    deactivate SecObserve
    Pipeline ->> SecObserve: Check security gate
    activate SecObserve
    SecObserve -->> Pipeline: exit code 0/1
    deactivate SecObserve
    Pipeline ->> Pipeline: Stop or continue
    Pipeline -->> Developer: Feedback
    deactivate Pipeline
    Developer ->> SecObserve: View observations
    Developer ->> SecObserve: Assess observations
    Developer ->> Developer: Implement fixes
    Developer ->> Repository: Check in source ...
  1. A developer implements a feature and checks in his code to the repository
  2. The repository starts a pipeline for the change
  3. The pipeline runs several of the supported vulnerability scanners. To make integration easy, SecObserve provides predefined templates for the most relevant scanners, see GitHub actions and GitLab CI templates.
  4. The scanners store their results in files, which are uploaded into SecObserve.
  5. SecObserve applies rules to adjust severity and status of observations during the upload process.
  6. The pipeline can call SecObserve to check the status of the security gate.
  7. SecObserve returns an exit code to the pipeline:
    • 1 if the security gate has failed
    • 0 if the security gate has passed or is disabled
  8. The pipeline can stop or continue based on the exit code, depending on the configuration of the check step. Default is to stop the pipeline if the security gate has failed.
  9. The developer can see the result of the pipeline.
  10. The developer can now look at the observations in SecObserve, to see what has changed ...
  11. ... and if necessary assess observations to change their status (eg. false positive or risk accepted) or severity.
  12. If fixes are needed to close vulnerabilities, the developer will implement the fixes ...
  13. ... and check them in to the repository. Now the cycle starts again.