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1.62.0 is live and ready for download. This version brings the following:

Added 🚀

  • A new option in the Global Settings allows to enable/disable experimental features #1318
    • Click on the settings button in the upper right corner to open the Global Settings dialog.
    • Activate/Deactivate the new option “Enable Experimental Features”
    • The features will be shown/hidden accordingly
  • “CustomViews”, the first experimental feature has been added #1318

    • It must be enabled by activating the new option in the Global Settings dialog as mentioned before.
    • You can save your current map configurations to replay/restore them later.
    • A saved CustomView can only be applied for it’s original map.
    • This will enable you to be more efficient in analizing projects by switching between different CustomViews.
  • NodeContextMenu now contains option to keep buildings highlighted #1323

  • Fixed Folder algorithm supports nested (parent-child) Fixed Folders #1431
    1. Define children of a Fixed Folder also as Fixed Folders by adding the fixedPosition attribute manually in .cc.json.
    2. All children of a parent Fixed Folder must be fixed.
    3. Read the how-to guide for further information: https://maibornwolff.github.io/codecharta/how-to/fixate_folders_with_a_custom_cc_json/


  • Improved search

    1. Not providing any star in the search bar from now on expects the input to be a wildcard search. Thus, files are going to match paths that have leading or following characters. E.g., oo is going to match /root/foobar.
    2. To use the explicit former search mode, wrap the search entry in quotes as in: "oo". This would only match filenames that are exactly oo.
    3. The search field accepts multiple search entries at once, separated by commata. foo,bar is going to search for both *foo* and *bar* and marks all matched files accordingly.
    4. It is possible to invert the search with a leading exclamation mark as in !foobar. That will match any file that does not match *foobar*. It is only possible to invert the complete input, not individual search entries.
    5. Whitespace handling changed to ignore leading whitespace.
  • Distribution metric #1188

    1. set rloc to default distribution metric, showing language percentages for real lines of code, if available. Else set to unary to show language distribution over files
  • Improved file sorting in the file overview of the search bar
    • Numbers are sorted naturally
    • Characters are compared with their base character (e.g., a is now next to á).
  • Label metric not shown by default anymore