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1.104.0 is live and ready for download. This version brings the following:

Added 🚀

  • Copy-to-Clipboard-Button to paste the top 10 files with highest metric values #2942, #2996
    image </br> image

Fixed 🐞

  • Correct file types now get appended to the name of the output file when using the interactive ccsh #2914
  • Fix exit code handling and update integrationTest’s golden_test.sh to cover all modules #2988
  • Fix missing color pickers within edge metric options #2993
  • Provides a list of metrics where no calculation could be performed in relation to a suspicion #2996 </br> missing_values_suspicious_metrics

Chore 👨‍💻 👩‍💻

  • Migrate view cube component and its service to Angular #2998