Source Code Parser
Category: Parser (takes in source code and outputs cc.json)
The Source-Code-Parser is parser to generate code metrics from a source code file or a project folder. It generates either a cc.json or a csv file.
Supported LanguagesPermalink
- Java
Supported MetricsPermalink
- rloc: Real lines of code
- classes
- functions
- statements
- comment_lines
- complexity (cyclomatic complexity)
- cognitive_complexity
- commented_out_code_blocks
- max_nesting_level
- code_smell
- security_hotspot
- vulnerability
- bug
- sonar_issue_other
Usage and ParametersPermalink
Parameter | Description |
project folder or code file |
--default-excludes |
exclude build, target, dist and out folders as well as files/folders starting with ‘.’ |
-e, --exclude=<exclude> |
comma-separated list of regex patterns to exclude files/folders |
-f, --format=<outputFormat> |
the format to output (either json or csv) |
-h, --help |
displays this help and exits |
-nc, --not-compressed |
save uncompressed output File |
-ni, --no-issues |
do not search for sonar issues |
-o, --output-file=<outputFile> |
output File (or empty for stdout) |
--verbose |
display info messages from sonar plugins |
Usage: ccsh sourcecodeparser [-h] [--default-excludes] [-nc] [-ni] [--verbose]
[-f=<outputFormat>] [-o=<outputFile>]
[-e=<exclude>]... FOLDER or FILE
The SourceCodeParser can analyze either a single file or a project folder; here are some sample commands:
ccsh sourcecodeparser src/test/resources -o
ccsh sourcecodeparser src/test/resources/ -o
ccsh sourcecodeparser src/test/resources -o --default-excludes -e=something -e=/.*\.foo -f=table
ccsh sourcecodeparser src/test/resources -o -f=table -i
If a project is piped into the SourceCodeParser, the results and the piped project are merged. The resulting project has the project name specified for the SourceCodeParser.
Sonar PluginsPermalink
In order to generate the code metrics, the SourceCodeParser uses Sonar plugins. New languages can be added to the Source code parser by writing a class that extends SonarAnalyzer and incorporate the respective Sonar Plugin.
This program uses the SonarJava library, which is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public Library, version 3.