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License management

Activating / deactivating license management

License management is activated by default. If it is not used in an organization it can be be deactivted via a feature flag in the Settings.

License management configuration

If license management is deactivated:

  • The Licenses menu is not visible in the navigation.
  • The automatic import of SPDX licenses is deactivated.
  • Licenses for components are not imported from CycloneDX or SPDX files and the License tab is not visible in the Product view.

Managing licenses in products

Importing components with licenses

When importing data from CycloneDX or SPDX SBOMs, the licenses of the components are imported as well, if they are available in the SBOM and the parameter SO_SUPPRESS_LICENSES is not set or set to false 1). The licenses are shown in the License tab of the Product view.

1) SO_SUPPRESS_LICENSES will be set to true by the Grype, Trivy Filesystem and Trivy Image GitHub actions / GitLab templates if not set otherwise, to not accidently import licenses.

License component list

After clicking on an entry, the details of the component and its license are shown.

License component show

Evaluation of licenses

A License Policy for the Product can be set, when editing the product settings.

Product set license policy

If no License Policy is set, all licenses are evaluated as Unknown. If a License Policy is set, the licenses are evaluated according to the policy:

  • Allowed: There is no problem using the component with that license.
  • Forbidden: Using the component with that license might lead to legal problems and the component cannot be used for the Product.
  • Review: The license shall be reviewed and the License Policy shall be updated after the review.
  • Unknown: The license is not included in the License Policy.
  • Ignored: The component is not relevant for the license management.

License expressions are evaluated by their included licenses, if the operators are all either AND or OR. If other operators are used, e.g. WITH, the expression is evaluated as Unknown, if there is no explicit rule for this license expression.

A good strategy is to start with an existing License Policy and when needed make a copy of it and adjust the rules to the needs of the Product.

Managing License Policies

A License Policy defines the rules for the usage of licenses in a Product.

The list of License Policies can be found in the Licenses sub-menu under Administration.

A License Policy can have another license policy as a Parent. If a license policy has a parent, the rules of the parent are also valid for the child policy, but existing rules of the parent can be overriden and new rules can be added. A license policy which is a parent cannot have a parent itself.

Within the License Policy itself a comma-separated list of component types (e.g. apk or deb) can be defined, which shall be ignored in the license evaluation. This can be useful for operating system packages in a Docker container, which are not relevant for the license management.

The attribute Public defines, if the License Policy is visible for all users or only for the members of the policy.


  • The Export button opens a sub-menu to exports the License Policy either as a JSON or a YAML file. The output format is specified as a JSON schema.
  • With the Apply button the rules of the License Policy are applied to all products, that have this License Policy set.
  • The Copy button creates a new License Policy with the same rules, which can be adjusted for a specific Product.

License policy

A License Policy has a list of items, which are the rules of the policy. It can be

  • a rule for a License Group or
  • a rule for a specific SPDX license,
  • a rule for a license expression or
  • a rule for an non-spdx license string, e.g. a license that is not in the SPDX list or a license expression.

License policy item

Additionally a License Policy has a list of user members and a list of authorization group members, which define who has access to a license policy, either read-only or as a manager. To define read-only members is not necessary, if the policy is defined as Public. Additionally, users can view all license policies that are assigned to a product, if they have access to the product.

License policy member

Managing License Groups

A License Group is a collection of licenses with similar license conditions. There is a predefined list of license groups, taken from the classification of the Blue Oak Council. Administrators can import license group from the ScanCode LicenseDB, see License data import.

As with License Policies, a License Group

  • can be found in the Licenses sub-menu under Administration,
  • can be copied if adjustments are needed for a specific Product,
  • can be public, so that all users can see the group and its licenses,
  • has a list of user members and a list of authorization group members, which define who has access to a license group, either read-only or as a manager.
  • users can view all license groups that are assigned to a license policy which is assigned to a product, if they have access to the product.