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Links to additional information


Most of the vulnerability scanners include references to further information about the vulnerabilities. These references are imported with the observation and can be accessed by clicking on the link icon in the References box, on the right side of the Observation view.

Links to references


If an observation is a vulnerability with a CVE or GHSA number, the Vulnerability ID in the Vulnerability box will be a link to the National Vulnerabilities Database (NVD) or the GitHub Advisory Database.

Link to vulnerability


If an observation has a component with a PURL as its origin and the package type is in

  • Cargo
  • Go
  • Maven
  • npm
  • NuGet
  • PyPI

the Component PURL in the Origins box will be a link to the open/source/insights platform.

Link to component

open/source/insights ( provides insights into the open source component containing the vulnerability. It helps you to understand the security, licensing, and maintenance aspects of the component.

Link to open/source/insights