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A part of the configuration is done with environment variables, which need to be set when deploying SecObserve. How this is done depends on the deployment method, see Installation.


Environment variable Optionality Description
ADMIN_USER mandatory Username of the administration user. The user will be created at the fist start of the backend.
ADMIN_EMAIL optional E-Mail of the administration user.
ADMIN_PASSWORD optional Initial password of the admin user. If it is not set, a random password will be created during startup and shown in the log.
ALLOWED_HOSTS mandatory Hostnames of the backend, see Django settings ALLOWED_HOSTS. This can be a comma-separated list of hostnames.
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS mandatory URL of the frontend that is authorized to make cross-site HTTP requests. This can be a comma-separated list of URLs.
DATABASE_HOST mandatory Which host to use when connecting to the database.
DATABASE_DB mandatory The name of the database to use.
DATABASE_PORT mandatory The port to use when connecting to the database.
DATABASE_USER mandatory The username to use when connecting to the database.
DATABASE_PASSWORD mandatory The password to use when connecting to the database.
DATABASE_ENGINE mandatory The database backend to use. Supported database backends are django.db.backends.mysql and django.db.backends.postgresql
MYSQL_AZURE optional Must be set if Azure Database for MySQL is used, to use the necessary SSL certificate. For MySQL Flexible Server it needs to have the value flexible, for MySQL Single Server the the value needs to be single. See Connect using mysql command-line client with TLS/SSL and Configure SSL connectivity in your application to securely connect to Azure Database for MySQL.
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY mandatory A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value with at least 50 characters, see Django settings SECRET_KEY.
FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEY mandatory Key to encrypt fields like the JWT secret. See Generating an Encryption Key how to generate the key.
GUNICORN_WORKERS optional Number of worker processes for the Gunicorn web server, see Gunicorn documentation. Default is 3.
GUNICORN_THREADS optional Number of worker threads for the Gunicorn web server, default is 10.
OIDC_AUTHORITY mandatory The authority is a URL that hosts the OpenID configuration well-known endpoint.
OIDC_CLIENT_ID mandatory The client ID is the unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by the OpenID Connect provider when the app was registered.
OIDC_USERNAME mandatory The claim that contains the username to find or create the user.
OIDC_FIRST_NAME mandatory The claim that contains the first name of the user.
OIDC_LAST_NAME mandatory The claim that contains the last name of the user.
OIDC_FULL_NAME mandatory The claim that contains the full name of the user.
OIDC_EMAIL mandatory The claim that contains the email address of the user.
OIDC_GROUPS optional The claim that contains the groups of the user.


Environment variable Optionality Description
API_BASE_URL mandatory URL where to find the backend API, e.g. https:\\
OIDC_ENABLE mandatory true: OpenID Connect authentication is active, false: otherwise.
OIDC_AUTHORITY mandatory The authority is a URL that hosts the OpenID Connect configuration well-known endpoint.
OIDC_CLIENT_ID mandatory The client ID is the unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by the OpenID Connect provider when the app was registered.
OIDC_REDIRECT_URI mandatory The redirect URI is the URI the identity provider will send the security tokens back to. To be set with the URL of the frontend.
OIDC_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI mandatory The post logout redirect URI is the URI that will be called after logout. To be set with the URL of the frontend.
OIDC_SCOPE optional OpenID Connect (OIDC) scopes are used by an application during authentication to authorize access to a user's details, like name or email. If the variable is not set, the standard scopes openid profile email will be used.

All the OIDC_* environment variables are needed for technical reasons. If OIDC_ENABLE is set to false, the other OIDC_* environment variables can be set to dummy or something similar.

More about the configuration for different OpenID Connect providers can be found in OpenID Connect authentication.

Admininistration in SecObserve

Other parts of the configuration are done in the administration interface of SecObserve under Settings, which can only be accessed by users with the role Superuser.


The entries shall be checked and adjusted if necessary after installing SecObserve.