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Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Docker Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. These Docker Compose files are available:


  • docker-compose-dev-keycloak.yml
    • Starts the PostgreSQL database, the SecObserve backend, Keycloak and Mailhog
    • The frontend is only started, when the parameter --profile frontend is given
    • The file keyloak/h2/ should be copied to keyloak/h2/ before starting the services, to work with predefined settings. There is an administrator configured (username: admin, password: admin) and a regular user for Secobserve (username: keycloak_user, password: keycloak).
  • docker-compose-dev-mysql.yml
    • Starts the MySQL database, as well as SecObserve's backend and frontend
    • Backend and frontend are build automatically if necessary and are started in development mode with hot reloading
  • docker-compose-dev.yml
    • Starts the PostgreSQL database, as well as SecObserve's backend and frontend
    • Backend and frontend are build automatically if necessary and are started in development mode with hot reloading
  • docker-compose-playwright.yml
    • Starts the end-to-end tests with Playwright
  • docker-compose-prod-test.yml
    • Starts the PostgreSQL database, as well as SecObserve's backend and frontend
    • Backend and frontend are build automatically if necessary with the production Dockerfiles
  • docker-compose-unittests.yml
    • Starts the unit tests for the backend
  • docker-compose.yml
    • This is a link to docker-compose-dev.yml and is used as a default for the docker compose command


See the installation guide how to use the productive Docker Compose files.